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bronze Single board bronze key: You may make one copy of an image, with one "bonus attempt" (what does that mean?).
This is a good choice for people who are not art dealers and just want one picture, or for people who want to try out a custom picture before investing in Silver keys.

The price is $2.00 payable by PayPal, or see the section on "bronze vouchers" below.
silver Single board silver key: You may make as many copies of an image as you wish, for 24 hours. The 24 hour time limit does not start until you begin your first attempt.
Free Bonus:This purchase comes with 2 bronze vouchers which you can use for more custom images. Each one you can use right away, or save for later.
The price is $6.00 payable by PayPal
gold Gold keys: Coming soon!
ten-pack Ten-pack of bronze keys: Get a discount for buying in bulk!
Rather than purchasing bronze keys individually for $2.00 each, you can get ten keys at a discount. The ten-pack includes ten bronze vouchers (see below) which you may use immediately to generate keys, or save for later. The vouchers will be delivered to the email address associated with your paypal account.

The price is $15.00 payable by PayPal
bronze-free Bronze vouchers: A bronze voucher may be redeemed for a bronze key at no charge. This will allow you to make one copy of this image, with one "bonus attempt" (what does that mean?). (In other words, it's the same as the bronze key shown above.)
Each voucher can only be redeemed once.
You may also redeem two bronze vouchers for a dual board, or four bronze vouchers for a quad board.
Dual board bronze key: When producing dual-board artwork, you get two keys, one for each part of the artwork. Each one works just like a single-board bronze key: you can make one copy (of each part) and you also get one "bonus attempt" (for each part).

The price is $4.00 payable by PayPal, or you may redeem two bronze vouchers.
Quad board bronze key: When producing quad-board artwork, you get four keys, one for each part of the artwork. Each one works just like a single-board bronze key: you can make one copy (of each part) and you also get one "bonus attempt" (for each part).
Free Bonus:This purchase comes with 1 bronze voucher which you can use for more custom images. Each one you can use right away, or save for later.
The price is $8.00 payable by PayPal, or you may redeem four bronze vouchers.